"I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls."
Audrey Hepburn

Monday, September 6, 2010

Supermodel Legs

How To Get Into Supermodel Shape

So what is supermodel shape? It's definitely not trying to diet so that you have a 24 inch waist.

Difficulty: N/A
Time Required: N/A

Here's How:

1. Drink more water. We often mistake thirst for hunger. Always carry a bottle with you. Imagine your calorie intake if you reach for a glass of water instead of a snack.

2. No bad foods... just bad portions. Okay, yes there are bad foods, but as long as you eat a nutrient rich diet the entire day, you can allow yourself to have one small serving from the bad list. (see tip 1)

3. Bathing Suit Legs... yes, they can be yours. Add lots of knee bends, lunges and marching to your daily program. Yes I did say marching. Lifting your legs will help shape those thighs. (see tip 2 on marching)

4. Get rid of the belly. Healthy foods high in fibre often contribute to gas and bloating. To avoid this, gradually increase the fibre while cutting back on fizzy soft drinks.

5. Did you know that stress can cause you to swallow a lot of air and contribute to what appears to be a belly. Breath slowly through your nose (to help calm you) and while you are at it... eat slowly.

6. Work lots of ten minute activities into your day. Imagine a walk around the block, lunges while you vacuum, playing frisbee with the kids and my favorite... power shopping.

7. Work out in the pool. You can pump your heart rate while protecting your joints from injury. Try jogging or kick boxing. Sounds like fun to me.

8. According to Patricia Bannan, a nutritian consultant, the shows you watch can either make you want to eat, or turn off the cravings. Believe it or not, you are less likely to want to snack while watching a sitcom.

9. Personal trainer Angela Selinger suggests that we look to our posture. Slumping damages our core muscles. We need to go back to those days when we were told to sit up straight and don't slouch.

10. It's easy to walk. That has to be my all time favorite form of exercise. To make it work for you, add a few extra minutes each week. You won't notice the difference, but your body will.


Never allowing yourself foods that you love will always backfire. Allow yourself one tiny portion to satisfy the craving.
Can't see yourself marching down the street? Why not try it in the privacy of your home.