"I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls."
Audrey Hepburn

Monday, October 7, 2019

How To Get Started: 40 Day Transformation

Step 1: 
Go to ishoppurium.com
add "40 Day Transformation - Fat Burning" to the shopping cart {leave selections as-is}
add BiomeMedic to shopping cart {removes Glyphosate, restores gut health}
Click Checkout
Create Account
use Giftcard Code: jessbefitness {will save 25%}

{breakdown is $7.50 per day}

Step 2:
Go to Facebook
Friend request me, send a direct message request to join the Facebook Support Group - 40 Day Transformation! This is an amazing group of support for questions, recipes and inspiration!

Step 3:
Checkout the "Shopping List" blog post for tips on groceries to purchase
Go to Pinterest and start saving inspirations for Whole Food Plant-based recipes

Step 4:
Take BEFORE photos, measurements and record your starting weight. This is highly recommended because the scale doesn't always show the amazing progress our bodies are making! Once you calculate total inches lost after 40 days you will be amazed!
* don't let the scale mess with your head, I did a weekly weigh-in but lost more inches than pounds and gained muscle during my 40 days
* take your photos in a swimsuit, or shorts and a tank top - make sure the clothing is tight-fitting so you can see the shape and areas that you want to notice the changes in
* put your hair up in the photos and use good daytime lighting and a plain background
* for measurements, I like to use this guide Body Measurements

40 Day Ultimate Weight Loss

First 30 Days:
Enjoy all of the plant-based whole foods you like. Pinterest and Instagram are great resources for inspiration and recipes. Don’t forget about our Facebook Support Group for questions, advice, and recipes also! It’s a great team of support with many doctors present too.
The difference between vegan and plant-based is focused more on whole food nutrition, not processed fake animal products. Think about, avocados, nuts, beans, fresh fruits, and veggies. Rice and potatoes are great too, but try not to go overboard. Avoid bread unless Ezekiel sprouted bread. Try to avoid fried food and saute in veggie broth instead. I’ve compiled a list of Melissa Hanson’s recipes for dressings and sauces (blog post) that are tasty and easy to prepare.
Avoid alcohol during the entire transformation and use these 1st 30 days to start reducing the coffee intake in preparation for the final 10-day portion (the cleaning/detox part).

5 super amino’s 23
* vegan protein (30g per serving) for lean muscle support so your body can burn fat
* take thyroid medication 1 hour before

1/3 c power shake
* the power shake can be taken with the super aminos or apart
* take thyroid medication 1 hour before
* add more or less water to the power shake depending on your desired taste
* add a little nut milk or blend with fruit if needed

Eat plant-based foods

1 tbsp TartCherry
* try to take one hour or two hours before bedtime
* mix the TartCherry with sparkling water and lime for a fun mocktail
* mix the Fiber with nut milk and cinnamon for a bedtime dessert if desired
* mix TartCherry and Fiber together!

Last 10 Days:
This is the final stretch where you’ll see all of your hard work really starting to show daily. This portion is the detoxing, cleansing portion. Review and prepare based on the suggested Flex Foods list provided in the LifeStyle Guide. Plan out your schedule for the times that work best with how you end your day and start your day. Think about when you want to eat and when you want your last meal to be. Set alarms on your phone to alert you when it’s time to have a snack, shake or your supplements so you don’t miss a beat and never become hungry or grouchy! Never leave home without a few snacks or a power shake! You can have the Aminos 2 hours from the Power Shake or together. Here’s my preference and what I did personally.

6:00 am - thyroid meds
7:00 am - Power Shake, 5 Super aminos, 1 super lytes, 1 BiomeMedic
9:00 am - Snack #1 
11:00 am - Power Shake, 5 Super aminos, 1 super lytes
1:00 pm - Snack #2
3:00 pm - Power Shake, 5 Super aminos, 1 super lytes
5:00 pm - Snack #3
7:00 pm - Fiber, 2 tbsp TartCherry, 1 BiomeMedic

* Alternate these every two hours or so. Melissa suggests snacking on all the whole food plant-based fruits and veggies you want. I like to follow the Flex Foods list and quantity during the 10-day portion.

* Don't get confused or limit yourself with the Lifestyle Guide that comes with the transformation. I like it for the Flex Foods list while on the 10 Day portion but that's about it!
* Remember there are 4 different types of Transformations: Cleanse, Weight-loss, Nutrition, Athlete (if you see cottage cheese or salmon or eggs this is for the Athlete transformation) However, for BEST RESULTS we recommend following a plant-based diet for 40 days to give your body a break from animal products!

* You can have super amino’s and shake two hours apart or at the same time it doesn’t matter

* For inspiration on what to eat look under the Instagram #JustinsLunch @forksoverknives.com

* You are welcome to add frozen bananas, peanut butter, almond butter, nut milk, fruit etc. to your shake

* Set up your smart order to get 200 bonus points, double points on each order and 25% off each time you order

* For Maintenance AFTER the 40 Days, try the CORE4 products and continue BiomeMedic to keep your gut clean and healthy!

* Ideas to limit animal products after the 40 Days: try Meatless Mondays, avoid dairy and find yummy alternatives like Kite Hill Cream Cheese or TreeLine Nut Cheese, Miyoko's Vegan Butter, or CHAO vegan cheese.

* It's easy to replace your favorites by finding plant-based alternatives rather than the idea of eliminating or removing them {mental games with our brains}

* ABOUT COFFEE: during the 40 days start to reduce your intake of coffee slowing replacing it with decaffeinated, but to not eliminate it until 3 days before the 10-day portion to avoid headaches and detox symptoms. During the 10 day portion, you will want to avoid it completely because it dehydrates your body and is hard on your adrenal glands and you want to be sure to stay hydrated and give those adrenal glands a break! During the 10 days portion, you can have a hot cacao latte made with nut milk and sweetened with dates or some maply syrup!