It's been a long time since I've written on this blog! It was started in 2009, just shortly after my Mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Stomach Cancer. The following eight years I wrote monthly on a blog that I created to keep our friends and family updated with her battle {The Fight Against Cancer.} It was a stressful and intense time but those 8 years were actually some of the very best years we've ever had because we appreciated every moment.
Since Mom's passing in 2015 my life and my body have not been the same. It's amazing what stress and sadness can do to a person. Then to make it even worse our beagles developed some health issues. I've spent the last three years caring for them and making sure they received the best treatment and lived their final years happy without any suffering. Sadly we're now beagle-less and still recovering emotionally from losing our last beagle six months ago.

So there you have a summary of my last ten years and I left out other stressful times not worth mentioning. With that being said, it's time for me to heal. I do not regret exerting my emotions and finances to help any living being but in order to help others, you also need to help yourself. It's time to help myself.
Prior to Mom's battle with cancer, I was a vegetarian for two years. My decision to stop eating meat was motivated by cruelty to animals. The reason why I stopped being vegetarian is a long story for another day but the desire to go back has never left. If anything the desire to become vegetarian, vegan or plant-based has been increasing over the years. Especially with all of the delicious bloggers and Instagram pages posting the most amazing recipes like Melissa Hanson, Alternative Pantry, Jason Wrobel, Veggie Vixen, Veggiekins, Six Vegan Sisters, Panaceas Pantry, Torre Washington, Vegan Vultures, Lilsipper, Minimalist Baker, Erin Ireland, Easy Animal Free, Elana's Pantry, and other inspirations.
With that being said, I've finally made the decision to join some friends on a 40 Day Transformation which means following a plant-based program for the next 40 days. In my next post, I'm going to tell you all about it and I'll be posting my story with updates and progress along the way!
Stay tuned...
Peace, Love & Hugs,
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